
Prior to enrolling in Video Editing- Gainesville, you must have completed the specified prerequisites (if you have not taken a prerequisite, you can click on the catalog code link to see a list of upcoming course sections):


Develop your technical and creative skills as a digital videographer. Learn how to achieve satisfying and professional footage using your own digital video camera, while implementing basic skills and shooting techniques. Topics include: video formats, camera capabilities, features and operation, camera control, movement and composition, story boarding, and how to shoot with editing in mind. Required Equipment: Digital video camera (any type but must have manual mode) or digital stills camera with video mode.

Digital Videography II - Gainesville

Students explore theoretical and practical elements of cinematography with an emphasis on lighting and sound. While learning techniques of studio and location lighting, students also study contemporary trends and styles. Topics include: lenses, accessory camera equipment, lighting, digital compression, sound design, and audio recording.

If you have previously taken courses with us, check your Registration History to see if any of your past courses meet the prerequisites.

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